PokeMMO Support

Xsolla Error 3032

This error means your account might be blocked on Xsolla's system:

3032: Sorry, the payment cannot be completed now. Please try again later or contact Xsolla Customer Support.
This error may appear when your account is blocked on our system. Please check your account for previous chargebacks and contact us to resolve this issue.

Source of this information: https://help.xsolla.com/en/payments/most-common-error-codes

You can contact their support to clarify the situation. To do so, open the Gift Shop in game, click on "Get More Reward Points" and click on "BUY" on any RP amount. On the next page, scroll down to see Xsolla's support icon:

If contacting Xsolla does not solve your problem, contact our support on Support Request > Reward Points Issue with a screenshot of their answer.

Keep in mind that PokeMMO has no power to overrule Xsolla's decision on this matter. If they tell you that your account is banned, we will not be able to help and we do not provide any other payment option.

Author: Teddi